Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Return of the Latter Rain PDF Available Now!

You can now get a PDF from  Lulu.com. (Adobe Digital Editions)  The eBook will also be available in a short time in Kindle and many other formats as well. We appologize for the delay as  much more was involved than initially expected.  We hope you are blessed as you continue reading, sharing and praying for the continued progress of Volume 2.  May the earth soon be lightened with His glory.


  1. Hi,

    I finished reading the first volume last week. This is the best and most complete book on this subject so far.

    Because I am very anxious to get the second volume I can't help asking: When do you think the 2nd volume is going to be available for purchase and of course on electronic version.

    I am only asking because the summer is gone and this was the milestone. I know you are a very busy man and you are doing your best with volume 2 but still, do you have another date/time when you think the vol 2 will be live for us around the world?

    May God bless you for what you are doing, and I pray that in His mercy he will wake up the church to its greatest mission.

    All the best,

    1. Thank you Mr. Q. I am very anxious for the 2nd volume to be done as well. But alas I am still working on the project and do not have a date set for when it will be finished. I have missed the two dates I already set (Christmas 2011, and Summer 2012) so I will just say I am still working on the project and hoping and praying the Lord will give me the ability to finish soon. Be assured that as soon as it goes to the printer I will let everyone know.

      Ron Duffield


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