Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Return of the Latter Rain Vol. 2 ?

When will the second volume of The Return of the Latter Rain be available? The author is currently in progress on volume two and hopes to have it published in the summer of 2012.  Due to the nature of the research, along with the arduous task of organizing, compiling and condensing thousands of pages of material into this historical account, a considerable amount of time is required. Your prayers on behalf of him and his family are most appreciated.  In addition to writing Ron also works 3-4 days a week to support his family, is actively involved it a local S.D. A. church, and spends many other hours a week preparing the materials for volume two.

Work is being done to have The Return of the Latter Rain  Vol. 1 available as an e-book summer of 2012.
May the Lord keep each and every one of us in the narrow way, with the light of the past illuminating our pathway.


The Duffield’s