Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Return of the Latter Rain Vol. 2 ?

When will the second volume of The Return of the Latter Rain be available? The author is currently in progress on volume two and hopes to have it published in the summer of 2012.  Due to the nature of the research, along with the arduous task of organizing, compiling and condensing thousands of pages of material into this historical account, a considerable amount of time is required. Your prayers on behalf of him and his family are most appreciated.  In addition to writing Ron also works 3-4 days a week to support his family, is actively involved it a local S.D. A. church, and spends many other hours a week preparing the materials for volume two.

Work is being done to have The Return of the Latter Rain  Vol. 1 available as an e-book summer of 2012.
May the Lord keep each and every one of us in the narrow way, with the light of the past illuminating our pathway.


The Duffield’s


  1. thx Ron for your time in this important work. I appreciate it very much and look forward to V2 being used by the Holy Spirit. Please keep moving forward and keep THE Faith. Mike

  2. cant wait for vol 2
    Volume 1 was the best historical book on sda history reguarding righteousness by faith and its rejection in 1888 and the surrounding years. May God bless ron and his family as he works to complete vol 2

  3. Hi,

    According to the info in the above article, VOL1 of this book should be available as e-book as of 2011 Christmas.

    Can you please tell me from where can I get the e-book/pdf of VOL1?

    1. We have put a PDF copy on Googleplay, but this is so cumbersome and difficult to locate and not accessible outside of the U.S. So we hired someone to put it into eBook format for Kindle and EPUB, which should be done in a week and put on Amazon and other sites by the end of this month. Sorry for the delay.

  4. Hi,

    Thank you very much for your answer. It is nice that it will be available for Kindle or other ebook reading devices, but my sugestion is that it should be available for sale as pdf.I think Amazon alows this.

    If you have put a pdf copy on googleplay than that means the file that contains the whole book is ready. If you can tell me what is the price for the ebook and a paypall account that I should sent you the money that would be great. After you receive the money you can sent/mail me the pdf.

    Of course, only if it is possible. If by the end of this month pdf will also be available on Amazon(or other sites) than no problem - I will wait.

    1. You can now get a PDF from Lulu.com. The eBook will also be available in a short time in Kindle and many other formats. http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=return+of+the+latter+rain&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

  5. Dear Ron,

    I am very happy and I praise God that He still has some good men like you, men that want to reveal the truth from our history to our SDA people.

    I read different articles and books about this subject but never before I could have a book so complete about this topic in my hands. There is no book on this subject translated by the SDA church in Romania, and sadly enogh the topic is avoided as much as it can be. A friend of mine manage with a lot of effort to have Herbert Douglas's book - A fork in the Road translated to romanian language. The book was widely rejected directly by a lot of ministers in our church(some without even reading it) and as this is not enough as a response, during this summer they(Church official publisher) already announced they will translate the book of Roy Adams on the same topic - human nature of Christ(which you know already how it presents the topic). It is very clear for me that Satan is at work and that he is also working so that people will stay in dark.

    I pray that God will give you strength and wisdom to finish the second volume as you plan to.

    May God open the eyes of many about what the true mission of this church is, what God expect from us as a church and what we have to do to accomplish it.

    God Bless you

  6. Hello, just wondering if Vol. 2 is bearing completion and if you have any idea when it might be expected. Sorry for being impatient but volume 1 was so good and I can't wait until vol. 2 comes out.

    1. Sorry Robbie,
      As you can see I am far behind. I am still working on Vol. 2. It has taken more time than I thought but I have and end in site. Keep praying for us as we try to get this out as soon as possible.

      Ron Duffield

  7. Ron:
    Thanks for your reply. I will be praying for you. I know that writing/compiling that amount of information is a mammoth undertaking. Just reading your first book took me about a month (I read all the footnotes!) The first book has been such a blessing to me. I really appreciate your work.
    May the Lord bless you,

  8. Hi Ron,

    Sorry for asking again, but do you have an update of this project? Is the second volume almost finished?

    All the best,

  9. Is The Return of the Latter Rain Volume 2 still a work in progress? I was very enlightened by the first one. We are in danger of doing that very same thing today! May God bless you as you continue to labor on the battlefield...

    1. Once again, I am so sorry it has taken so long. Still working on vol. 2, although seems such a slow pace. Responsibilities as husband, father, employee, etc., have added to my slow pace. Have not given up on the project, however. Praying for success in 2021.

  10. Yes, It is still in progress. I am sorry it has taken so long. Several other projects have been taken on over the years. Wounded in the House of His Friends is a second book available printed in 2014. Working on 1893 GC Sermons and history right now. Also produced response to the claim that the One Project is the new 1888 message. See http://thegreatcontroversy.info/11a-the-emerging-church.html Thanks for checking in.

  11. Just reread the end of volume 1 and the 18 chapter titles of volume 2 :) Am voting for prioritizing this. Be faithful.

  12. Hi Ron, wonderful material , an eye opener to our advent history..A friend, Kevin Straub (4th Angel Publications - As He Is, Of times and seasons) gave me this book. Blessings in ministry,

    Nathan, Kenya

  13. Thanks for an update on Vol 2. I look forward to its publication and news when it will be available. May God bless you in your preparation.

  14. Hi brother Ron. Just finishing up listening to vol. 1 for the nth time. Hoping and praying vol. 2 is available soon. May God bless and guide you.

  15. I just finished Volume 1. I am eager to read Volume 2! The chapter titles look phenomenal. How much longer do you project it will be? I believe the end of all things is near and this book will be a major catalyst.

  16. Where is the volume 2 of the return of latter rain book?

  17. Hello everyone has Volume 2 been done....

  18. Unfortunately to my shame, the book is still unfinished. 30 chapters in ruff draft but not finished. Hoping to retire from work so I can put time back into this important project.


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