"The Return of the Latter Rain"
A historical review of Seventh-day Adventist
history from 1844 to 1891
by Ron Duffield
The Return of the Latter Rain began as a simple, yet unique compilation of Ellen White statements on the subject of the latter rain and the loud cry, which she made between the 1840s and the close of her life in 1915. You will find these statements listed throughout the book, with but few exceptions in chronological order. Not all of Ellen White’s statements on the latter rain and loud cry are listed, but an extensive summary will be found here. Each chapter progresses chronologically and addresses the relevant issues during that particular time period in regard to the latter rain and loud cry. It should be noted that as the manuscript progressed, more and more background information was added to help give answers to questions raised by the historic events, as well as answers to questions raised by Adventist books that have been published since those events. Context has often been lost sight of when dealing with Adventist history in regard to 1888, at least by some who have entered into this discussion. Consequently, some longer quotations have been included for the purpose of retaining the full context, which will allow readers to come to more informed conclusions for themselves.
The Return of the Latter Rain is the result of a personal study into this important subject. It is based on the original sources including Ellen G. White, A. T. Jones, E. J. Waggoner, and others, thus allowing history to speak for itself. The writer has attempted to read most of the printed material on this subject to be certain that nothing has been overlooked. I am thankful for the prayers offered and counsel given by many others who have helped in this task. Although I never intended to write a book, this study has been a blessing to my life, and it is shared with the hope that it will be a blessing to others. As is the case with most books, however, not everyone will agree with all the conclusions drawn in this study. Having said that, this writer does not claim infallibility. This is a book in progress. There is much more material to add; not only to future chapters but to the chapters you hold in your hand. This will require more editing and fine-tuning where adjustments are needed.
The driving force behind this study is to understand our history correctly. Ellen White’s well-known statement made in 1892 tells us: “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history" (TM p. 31). She also reminds us that the cause of the downfall of Israel was due to forgetting their history:
"The reason why the children of Israel forsook Jehovah was that the generation rose up that had not been instructed concerning the great deliverance from Egypt by the hand of Jesus Christ. Their fathers had not rehearsed to them the history of the divine guardianship that had been over the children of Israel through all their travels in the wilderness. … The parents neglected the very work that the Lord had charged them to do, and failed to instruct them in regard to God’s purpose toward his chosen people. They did not keep before them the fact that idolatry was sin, and that to worship other gods meant to forsake Jehovah. If parents had fulfilled their duty, we should never have the record of the generation that knew not God, and were therefore given into the hands of the spoilers" (RH May 21, 1895).
Ellen White also said: "I was pointed to the work that Moses did just before his death. Calling the children of Israel together, he rehearsed to them their past experience, their trials, their failures, and the warnings that had been given them" (Battle Creek Letters, Nov. 7, 1905, p. 3).
But as we review our history we should remember that it is not for the purpose of finding fault in others—past or present—or for the sake of tearing down, but rather that we might learn from their mistakes and not repeat them. We should note well the words of Kenneth Wood: “As we note the mistakes of our spiritual forebears, we may be filled with anguish and regret. But we cannot change the past. We cannot rewrite history. We can, however, learn from history, and we can set our own hearts and houses in order, giving full opportunity for the Holy Spirit to have His way with us. Only as we today relate rightly to the message of righteousness by faith can we expect the outpouring of the latter rain and the finishing of ‘the work’” (RH Nov. 18, 1976, p. 2).
Volume 1, 2nd edition, printed Dec 2010, is now available and can be purchased from one of the following:
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